Setting up a FullStop

The FullStop Wetting Front Detector tells you how deep water moves into the soil during and shortly after irrigation. It also captures a soil water solution sample which can be extracted using a syringe.

FullStop's are often installed in pairs at different depths and are always associated with a Chameloen Sensor Array.

Add a FullStop to a Sensor Array

To add a FullStop on you will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Login to
  2. On the 'Configure Farm' page, to the right of the Sensor Array, click 'Action' \ 'Add FullStop'. 
  3. Select how many FullStop's are installed (one or two).
  4. Enter the depth each is buried to.
  5. Click 'Update'.

You are now ready to enter data collected from your FullStop.

Entering FullStop data

To add FullStop data records:

  1. On the 'Configure Farm' page, to the right of the Sensor Array, click 'Action' \ 'FullStop Data'
  2. Click on the Date field and select the measurement date from the calendar
  3. Click on the relevant colours to describe the nitrate readings
  4. Enter any EC reading collected
  5. Enter an optional comment
  6. Click 'Add' to save the information

The FullStop record will now form part of the visualisation.

Continue to add all data records for this FullStop.

If you make an error, you can delete single records by click the Delete icon in the table below, then re-enter that record.